Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Is your marketing 'hit and miss'?

More to the point, are you actually managing to do any marketing? 
Many small businesses can’t justify having a full time marketing bod on the team and, even if they have a marketing strategy in place, they frequently can't find the time to implement it.

Are you one of those people who have a mailing list but haven’t done anything with it for years? 
Many of the contacts on it will have probably changed their email address, moved on or passed away.  This significantly decreases the value of the list as a marketing resource; it really needs to be cleansed and updated regularly, with new contacts added.  Then it can be used productively as part of your marketing plan, but have you got the time to do this groundwork?  Probably not. 

And isn’t there something more urgent that you should be doing instead?  Probably.

That’s where delegation and outsourcing come into their own.  If you haven’t got an in-house team of admin people behind you who can take tasks like these off your hands, don’t despair - you can pass the burden over to a remote admin support service.   But how do you evaluate who would be the right people for the job?

Tip: Choose a quality accountable service with whom you feel comfortable working

Let’s look at a case study: 

A personal development coach, a sole trader, delivers inspirational training sessions by telephone to clients around the world.  To grow her business in the UK, she occasionally hosts development workshops in various locations across Britain, for which she needs to select venues on the basis of location, facilities available and cost.

She outsources this aspect of her activities to her remote admin support provider, because she recognises the massive financial benefits of doing so.  Up to a point, her workshops are classified as marketing activity but the only part of this that she wants to get involved in herself is the delivery of the workshops themselves.
Her hourly rate for delivering coaching is in the hundreds of pounds, whereas her admin support team charges her a fraction of this for their services.  It makes sound economic sense to concentrate on what she does best; she really loves her work but loathes spending time doing back office tasks, so not only is her business far more successful and profitable these days, but she is far happier.

How could a remote admin service provider be of use in developing your marketing strategy?

Well, they could be making outgoing calls on your behalf, to establish or follow up new leads.  They could also make ‘touch’ calls to re-establish contact with a client you haven’t spoken to in a while.  These are all part of ‘marketing’ activity.

They could be doing internet research to see what your competitors are offering that you could add to your services, or they could carry out some market research to establish what your potential customers are seeking from your business sector.

They could collate and proof read the text, and source the images, that are to be used in your information brochures or on your website, and they could obtain quotes for printing and other similar services, all of which would take up hours of your precious time.  All these activities directly or indirectly form part of your marketing strategy but few of them really need to be resting on your shoulders alone.

So there you have it: a professional and intelligent admin support service is more than just a typist – it can help you develop and grow your business in a dozen different ways.  We know this for a fact – we’ve been helping businesses flourish since 1983.

If you’re not getting this sort of service from your admin support team, or if you’ve never used remote admin support and would like to know more about how doing so could significantly help your business, call Standby for a no-obligation chat on 08456 838 678. 

We’ll work with you to deliver just what you’re looking for.

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