Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Who’s the backbone of your business?

A recent survey conducted by Hays Recruitment revealed that 80 per cent of employers believe their office support workers are the mainstay of the business.  For someone like me, coming from an admin background, this is obviously good to hear.

But what does this imply for those small business owners who have no support staff and therefore  do everything themselves?  It must be true that they are without the vital backup that could make all the difference to the way they operate their working lives.

It could be that they acknowledge the need for some help but are holding off employing support staff out of the fear of HR implications; if that be the case, maybe they need to explore the possibilities of a virtual assistant or remote admin support team.  A VA can be employed on a temporary ad hoc basis, or over a longer period under contract, but there are no employment law implications – the service can simply be cancelled within the contract terms whenever the help is no longer needed.

A remote admin service is more than just a typist or receptionist, however.  A professional virtual back up team can help you develop and grow your business in a dozen different ways.  Being on the outside looking in gives us a slightly different (and somewhat broader) viewpoint, and we can often spot ideas and opportunities that our clients may not have seen. 
By making occasional suggestions and supplying information we have researched on what the competition is doing, we can often help our clients develop their activities in really useful and constructive ways.  We know this for a fact – we’ve been helping businesses flourish since 1983.

If you’re not getting this sort of service from your admin support team, or if you’ve never used remote admin support and would like to know more about how doing so could significantly help your business, call Standby for a no-obligation chat on 08456 838 678. 

We’ll work with you to deliver just what you’re looking for.

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