Thursday, 22 September 2011

How many balls can you keep in the air?

I was really fortunate recently - I participated in two massive, very popular and hugely enjoyable events that I would have been proud to take credit for, had my team at Standby been responsible for organising them.

One of these activities was the ever popular Abergavenny Food Festival, now in its thirteenth year, and a significant draw for a vast numbers of visitors, which results in a huge spend in the area that really boosts the local economy.

The other event was the MSA Euroclassic Road Rally in Italy, a truly memorable 8-day experience involving dozens of gorgeous classic sports cars.  It’s an annual event in which I was unexpectedly invited to take part this year for the first time, and which I enjoyed enormously.  There were loads of fabulous shiny cars, wonderful Italian cities and endless hot sunshine – what’s not to like?!

Despite the obvious differences between them, each of these events involved logistical challenges of mega proportions, requiring intelligent and committed planning and management throughout.  In both cases it would have taken months (maybe even years) of detailed research, careful organisation and a military-standard attention to detail, in order to get everyone in the right place at the right time, and all doing the right things.

It made a nice change for me to sit back and watch someone else doing all that hard work to such a high standard – usually it’s me and my team that are keeping a dozen or more balls in the air on behalf of our clients and getting everything to slot into place at the correct moment.  Whether they’re running a business exhibition, calling a simple client meeting or delivering a training event, our clients don’t want the hassle of organising all the nitty gritty. They just want to turn up and do their thing, so they leave all the aggravating planning aspects to us. 

That's fine with us - they tell us we’re rather good at it, which is a relief to me; we should be - we’ve been helping businesses flourish since 1983.

If you’re not getting this sort of service from your admin support team, or if you’ve never used remote admin support and would like to know more about how doing so could significantly help your business, call Standby for a no-obligation chat on 08456 838 678. 

We’ll work with you to deliver just what you’re looking for.

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